At Aspire2 Wellness, we work with you to create engaging and effective programs from concept to completion

When people feel their best, feel valued, and have a supportive environment and skills to make lasting change, their engagement and productivity increases.

We are committed to educating and empowering employees and providing strategies to help you effectively design programs to solve your workplace needs.

our Solutions include:

  • ENGAGEMENT: We work with you to motivate and engage employees. Our programs are built on an evidence-based approach to tackle burnout, reduce long-term stress, and improve work-life balance.

  • STRATEGY: We work with you to cultivate a positive culture of well-being that aligns with your corporate vision.

  • IMPLEMENTATION: We work with you to address key areas unique to your business. Our hands-on approach integrates evidence-based tools and our Transforming Workplace Wellness method to build a community of well-being that drives performance, utilizes our inclusive Cornerstone Wellness Programs, and positively impacts health costs.


WELLNESS CERTIFICATION is specifically tailored for individuals and teams who manage their organization's wellness program. Take your career to a new level with the expertise-building online CWPA POWCERT training. Create effective workplace wellness programs and inspire sustainable change.


WORKPLACE EXPERTS provide a wide range of informative programs that educate and empower employees to take their training efforts further than they thought possible. Invigorate your organization with components that engage, improve work-life balance, promote resilience, and increase communication. 


CONCIERGE CONSULTANTS meet the wellness manager and employees wherever they are on their path. We provide convenient on-site or virtual concierge services in areas such as integrated organizational development, leadership and engagement, safety at work, and improved wellbeing.


Certified Wellness Program Administrator (CWPA) through the Professional Organization for Wellness Certification (POWCERT).

As a certified POWCERT CWPA professional you will learn how to make a positive difference in the lives of your colleagues. This innovative online certification program integrates the latest research with tangible tools on how to build workplace cultures that engage, inspire healthy behavior, and promote lasting change.

  • Broaden your skills with our creative training protocol

  • Deliver innovative wellness programs

  • Utilize the personal concierge service

  • Grow your professional wellness network

THE POWCERT DIFFERENCE: One size does not fit all when it comes to wellness programming and the aim of POWCERT certification is to equip the wellness program manager with the foundational knowledge to build and develop their own wellness program.

personal and professional transformation Books

Transforming Workplace Wellness is now included in the 2021 curriculum at the University of Wisconsin.